Sunday, December 8, 2013

A New Goal

I have made a decision to starting going to the gym Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday straight from work. That means not even going home first. I am finding if I go hone first than I don't end up going. So wish me luck this week. I also need to be more productive in keeping this blog to show my progress and keep me motivated.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Back to it

Yes, still have this blog. I have start a new routine. Let's hope I stick with it. Last November I started a new full time job which requires sitting a lot, which means my body is not use to it. Since I have had a somewhat activity job the past 7 years in childcare.

Well I had the last straw a bout a week ago. When my right foot, ankle and calf were feeling numb and cramped off and on. I believe in was because my hamstrings were so tight.

This last week I have been get up around 6:30am and 7:00am and excising. toning the muscles and slow getting them active again. So far I have not had any numbing and cramping in the legs.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Nike Training Club

After I received my tax return this year I decided to spend some of it on me. Since the last few years it has all been going to my debit.
Don't judge!!
Don't worry about $400 of it went to my credit card and the rest went to a new ipod touch. Since the one I received from my brother Dan for free finally died. I need something to motative me to workout and give me variety in those workouts. 

When I received the itouch in mail, the first thing I did was look for free apps for fitness and I found Nike Training Club. All I have to say is, 'It looks easy but it does challenge you.' I have been doing a 2 workouts a week. The first 2 days I was only able to complete 15-20 mins of a 30 min. workout but now I am finding myself pushing myself to finish the whole 30 mins. 
I do struggle to make it through each one and it is not easy for me. But I have to say is is a great app if you want a challenge and you don't know what exercise to do to get the results you want.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Here is my new cardio work out.  

Zumba for the Wii!!!

So far I love it!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Physical Wellness and Exercise

So people ask me why I work out i am so thin. Well here is the answer...

Physical wellness doesn't not mean being a sixe 0 with no body fat. It means taking care of your body: eating well, exercising, nurturing self-care all part of the ongoing maintance that the body requires and deserves.

Physical movement is an essential part of this self-care: exercise to increase cardiovascular capacity, balance hormones and keep your body at a reasonable weight, as well as strength and flexibility training to keep it limber and responsible to respond to life's changes.

Women to Women: The Personal Program for Hormonal Imbalance

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Get in the Grove

Back to working out elbow is getting better not fully healed but I can lift 5 lbs. On a side note I got a Wii for Christmas so now I can do my Wii fit Plus and My Fitness Coach. Today I did My Fitness Coach for 30 min.